How to Prevent Sore Feet during Marathons
Sutherland to Surf Foot Tips !
Avoid Blisters
By wearing two layers of sock if the shoe fits. This helps by allowing the friction to be taking place between the two layers of socks rather than your skin and sock.
Apply a generous amount of foot powder or talcum powder on your feet prior to putting the socks on. Ensure you apply between the toes. This helps by reducing the amount of sweat and moisture that will occur on your skin, reducing the chance of getting a blister.
Wear a bandaid or blister dressing on areas which you have previously developed blisters on.
Avoid Muscle Strains
By stretching directly after the run. Make sure you stretch you calfs, hamstrings, gluteals and quadriceps. Ensure you hold stretches for 30seconds and repeat three times.
If possible, get a massage the following day.
Ensure you warm up before you begin the run particularly in this cold weather. Cold muscles are tight and if you exert them quickly, they may get strained. By warming them up, you make them flexible and soft so they have a better tendency to stretch.
If you have really exerted yourself and put in 100% effort during your run, its likely your muscles will be slightly sore, so go home and have a cold bath or apply cold packs for 10min on your leg muscles to minimise any inflammation that may have occurred.
If you have any pain persisting for a few days after the run ensure you seek professional help. If its sore feet and legs, a podiatrist would be the most suitable practitioner to see.
Avoid Injury
Be mindful of areas like you’re your knees or ankles that have been previously injured. Prevent a re-injury by applying sports tape or using guards. A physiotherapist or podiatrist can assist you in this if you are unfamiliar with how to tape.
Don’t use shoes that are very worn out. Such footwear loses cushion and stability, increasing the likelihood of getting strains and pains.
If in doubt , seek our advise and we can help you.
Vanessa Hadchiti